In the anime Azumanga Daioh there is an episode about summer break, in which Kurosawa-sensei (teacher) visits her friend and fellow teacher Yukari-sensei, while on summer break. Kurosawa asks Yukari what she has been doing. Yukari provides a chart that shows 40% free time and 60% sleep.

I always have related to this particular scene, for as a teacher, that is usually what your break time chart looks like. At least for me anyways.

How I shutter to think that the semester is only one week away from starting. However, for faculty we’ll be using this week to prepare for the coming semester. Which means that time has come once again, yes, the end of winter break.
Unfortunately I don’t think Mother nature got the memo. A good 2-3 inches of snow came down yesterday, while today remained in the negative degrees all day.

Lucky for me I could prepare stuff at home, though I am already missing those care free winter break days.
That’s right starting this morning there was no more sleeping in till noon and staying up past 1 am in the morning doing absolutely nothing!
Well not absolutely nothing, though mostly I just loafed on the sofa with my hubby and watched TV.
We were able to get caught up on some of our favorite Anime on Hulu, and find some fun new ones as well.

I finished watching season two of the “Call the Midwife” on Netflix and in one setting watched an entire season of “Land Girls”.
My hubby and I both got excited to see new “Top Gear” episodes appear on Netflix and watched them all within two days.
Still, I wasn’t exactly a complete slacker over break.

I did challenge my self to make 12 days of Christmas cookies, and despite only make 6 days of cookies I still ended up with over 300 cookies that I sent out as presents.
I also got some sewing done, including some nice winter skirts and a lovely red dress I made for my sister as a present.

With the time off I also got a chance to do some thorough cleaning of my “Happy Room” (what I call my craft/toy room) and my closet.
Despite being a little sad to see the end of winter break, I’m eager to get things started this semester.

I’ve got some changes in store for my classes and I’ve also been working with my students on a big project that I’ll be announcing later on the blog.
So with that said I’m pumped and ready for the things to get back on schedule, wish me luck!
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