“The important thing is not to stop questioning!”
It was Albert Einstein who said “The important thing is not to stop questioning!” Thus it is only fitting that International Ask a Question Day would fall on his birthday, March 14th.
In celebration of International Ask a Question Day I thought I would participate by hosting my own AMA (ask me anything) session.
Therefore this is my formal request for you guys to send your burning questions about me, Akram or about Akram’s Ideas in general. I’m also open to questions about sewing, baking, vintage stuff and well tech stuff too. Feel free to ask me graphic / web design, programing or other tech related questions.
No question is really restricted, however… I would like to follow Linus’ lead and say I will refrain from answering questions about Religion , Politics and the Great Pumpkin.

To get your questions answered simply comment below with your question or use the hashtag #AkramsIdeasAMA to send me your question via Twitter or Instagram, you can also post it on Akram’s Ideas Facebook page.
My plan is to collect all the question on March 13th and answer them via a blog post or video not sure yet. Maybe I’ll conduct my first periscope video? Hmm…. not sure.
I will keep you posted how I will be sharing these answers with you and provide an accompanying post on Akram’s Ideas, March 14.
So, there you have it go ahead and ask me a question!
What an awesome occasion to host an AMA for! I smiled far and wide over the Peanuts reference. I’ve been known to discuss the Great Pumpkin in the public sphere, but do usually prefer to keep my thoughts on the other two topics to myself (or at least off of my vintage blog).
I’ll get the ball rolling here on your blog with a few:
-When did you first feel drawn to vintage?
-If you could go back in time and live in any year for its full duration, what year would you pick and why?
-What are some of your favourite sewing and/or other craft supplies to horde?
-You share such fantastic recipes here with us, have you ever thought of penning a cookbook? (Or any type of book for that matter?)
-What are some of your dream travel destinations?
-Five vintage fashion items you couldn’t live without?
-Who are some of your biggest role models?
I’m really looking forward to your AMA answers post, sweet lady.
♥ Jessica
Thank you Miss Jessica for your questions I enjoyed thinking about the answers.