Akram's Ideas

Sound of Music Insipired Summer Playsuit

Some projects are not planned projects, they just sort of happen. You might start the project thinking one thing and once in motion it suddenly dawns on you that that toile you were busy sewing looks like a summer playsuit for the Von Trapp family singers. 

CocoWawa Crafts Cherry Shorts

Let’s start at the beginning. I’d been wearing the few pairs of ready to wear shorts around the house all summer and thought I should try my hand at making my own. 

At the same time, around August CocoWawa Crafts released the Cherry shorts, and since I’m such a huge fan, I thought I’d give these shorts a try. 

I didn’t know how the fit was going to be, so I didn’t want to use any fabric I was overly attached to. So a quick look around the fabric stash and I found a cute and kitschy quilting cotton that had what I’m calling little Dutch people, houses, and flowers on it. 

Sharing my Sound of Music inspired Summer Playsuit featuring my all new CocoWawa Crafts Cherry Shorts.
This kitschy print I thought would be fun to make a toile out of

Green is my favorite color and I just adored the shade of green in this print, though I thought the print itself may be a bit over the top. Though since I was really just wanting to make a toile of this pattern I thought let’s have some fun and use this fabric anyways. 

Kitschy Shorts

The Cherry shorts came together in no time and their construction was super easy as was the fit. Thank you elastic waistband. 

Sewing Summary
Date August 26 Sharing my Sound of Music inspired Summer Playsuit featuring my all new CocoWawa Crafts Cherry Shorts.
Pattern: CocoWawa Crafts Cherry Shorts
Version: Shorts 
Size: Size 6
Notes & Modification: Made as directed, great fit
Difficulty: Easy  Rating:

I was really happy with the look and fit of the Cherry shorts, I especially liked their longer length, and of course side seam pockets. 

Speaking of pockets, even though this was just a toile, I couldn’t resist taking my time to pattern match the back pocket where it is nearly invisible at first glance. 

Sharing my Sound of Music inspired Summer Playsuit featuring my all new CocoWawa Crafts Cherry Shorts.
Can you see the back pocket? Pattern matching win!

Summer Play Suit 

With the Cherry shorts done I had a lot of this fabric left, and since I liked the shorts so much I thought why not make a matching top and go full on kitschy. 

For the top, I decided to give my Simplicity 1364 mashup pattern another go since I hadn’t had a chance to test it without the color block alterations. 

Sharing my Sound of Music inspired Summer Playsuit featuring my all new CocoWawa Crafts Cherry Shorts.
Matching top out of novelty print, all out kitschy

After making the top and putting it on with the shorts, that’s when it dawned on me. I look just like a Von Trapp family singer, ready to frolick through the hills with Fraulein Maria.

While some people might be like no way am I going out like this, and just chunking the whole novelty outfit in the bin. I took another approach. 

Sharing my Sound of Music inspired Summer Playsuit featuring my all new CocoWawa Crafts Cherry Shorts.
We’ll, of course, I had to make a bandana to go with.

I whipped up a bandana out of the leftover fabric to really pull that look together 🤣

Sound of Music

While making a Sound of Music inspired summer playsuit wasn’t exactly on my sewing plans, I can’t help but love this outfit. 

Sharing my Sound of Music inspired Summer Playsuit featuring my all new CocoWawa Crafts Cherry Shorts.
This outfit is great for running around in

First off it is super cute and comfy. It’s great for lounging around the house or running around the park in. 

Also, I don’t mind looking like a Von Trap, in fact, I find myself singing “Do Re Me” every time I put this outfit on, despite having no singing talent, I do it anyways 😃

Sharing my Sound of Music inspired Summer Playsuit featuring my all new CocoWawa Crafts Cherry Shorts.
I really like how this outfit all came together

I’d love to hear in the comments below if you’ve ever made one thing just for it to turn out looking like something else and what happened then? 

Sharing my Sound of Music inspired Summer Playsuit featuring my all new CocoWawa Crafts Cherry Shorts.

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Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

Follow @akramsideas



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