Akram's Ideas

One Day Outfit – Simplicity 1692 & McCalls 8046

I’m on sort of a blouse and skirt making kick and as it so happens I managed to knock out a quick blouse and skirt over the weekend while staying at my mother-in-law’s, Miss Linda.

Simplicity 1692 and McCall's 8046
This one day outfit was made using Simplicity 1692 and McCall’s 8046

The Blouse

I had already planned to make is vintage 1940’s  re-release of Simplicity 1692 and brought a lovely pink floral polyester ( I think), fabric with me.

The pattern featured two views with kimono sleeves, which I love. As I soon discovered they were also really easy to make.

Simplicity 1692 blouse
Simplicity 1692 blouse , love the sleeves

The blouse only took just under 2 hours to put together. I was really happy with how it came out.

The Skirt

After making the blouse I felt that I had enough time and fabric to make a skirt. However, I hadn’t originally planned to make a skirt and did not bring a skirt pattern with me.

Though, as faith should have it, that morning while out antiquing with Miss Linda, I actually bought a skirt pattern, McCall’s pattern 8046. The pattern is from 1996 and while not vintage it does have a classic look.

McCall's 8046 skirt, this was a really easy project.
McCall’s 8046 skirt, this was a really easy project.

The pattern had 8 different variations, but I choose to go with view A, which is the most basic of all the skirts.

Miss Linda had a spare zipper for me to use on the skirt, and I finished it off the same as the blouse with a simple rolled hem. 

Final Outfit

The skirt took about another 2 hours, thus in total the dress took about 4 hours to make. 

I was so excited about my new blouse and skirt I decided to wear it the next day. With all the excitement I totally forgot to take any pictures until just the other day.

Simplicity 1692 blouse and McCall's 8046 skirt
This dress is so comfy and fun to wear

The blouse and skirt are booth loose and comfy to wear. I am also in love with the colors. While I tell people I’m not a pink person, as it turns out I make a lot of pink outfits. Since I do look good in pink, maybe I’m a pink person after all.

akram's ideas Simplicity 1692 blouse and snood
I love the classic look of this outfit

Since this project was so quick and easy, I’m certain that I will be making these patterns again soon.

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Akram's Ideas: One Day Outfit - Simplicity 1692 & McCalls 8046


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  • Friendly suggestions:hold still for your photos so they aren’t blurred & try tucking in the blouse to get a waistline

    • Thanks for the tips. As for the waistline, I wanted to highlight the pin tucks near the bottom of the blouse, you wouldn’t see them if it was tucked in. Anyways, I appreciate your suggestions.

Akram Taghavi-Burris

designer, writer, educator, tech nerd, crafter, baker, sewer and vintage collector, who Brings Creative & Crazy Ides to Life.

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